Finishing up Creation stories
Amberly - Chinese Creation - Blood myth for Maori people. Only 2 people left after flood. Ozi wanted to marry his sister,she said no so he negtiated with a rock throwing contest. Then a knife throwing - he fixes it and they ended up married - child with no arms and legs so he cut it up and the pieces became the people.
Tristan - Maori Creation story = polinisian island = ex enillo = out of nothing = earth mother and father procreate - child decides to murder the parents - children argue over this so they decide to just seperate them so he seperates sky father and earth mother - then they decide to create women - older siblings create body and the younger ones do the rest - this eventually becomes women -
Abernaky tribe - New England = French Canadians = Corn a man dragged a woman all over until she died. Where she was drug = corn grew.
Jenna = Chinese - starts with a man that slept for 18000years on an egg - then it broke the top became the heavens - bottom became the earth. then he spent 18000 years making sure the never collide and then he dies and his parts become the soil, mountains rain etc. his bacteria becomes man
Katie - Crow Indian - In the beginning there was just water - old man saw ducks and asked them if there is anything else. The ducks dive one comes up with some root - then the old man blew on some dirt and the earth was born.
Herterocosm - to enter into another world. myth is greek for story. You willingly suspend your disbelief.
"The final belief is to believe in a fiction which you know to be a fiction ,there being nothing else.The exquisite truth is to know it is a fiction but to believe in it willingly."
That quote has summed up my experience here. Where before I was unwilling to even explore myth, now I find it is awesome.
When you get to your group. Introduce yourself - choose a leader/king - not always good to be the king. The king should be killed and eaten at the end of the semester.
Universal Tree - Axis Mundi - this happened in the exact center of the world. The naval of the world. Umphalos - the wolds point of beginning.
There is almost always a problem with the tree causing seperation of the worlds.
Assignment - Have to write a blog about someone elses blog. Education is about transformation not information.
CG Jung- not as concerned with behavioral psychology - disciple of frued. The ego, id, superego.
Psyche - means soul from the greek does not mean mind. Jung felt that Frued was missing something- dreamed about being in his house - found a stairway that he did not know about - looked in trap door - found a stairway with another trap door kept going down and down and down. House dream. The ground floor was dirt - awoke and realized the problem with Frued - Developed the theory of the collective unconscious. derived from ancestral memory and experience and is common to all humankind.
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