Blogs should be up running.
Here is a copy of schedule - security blanket. Not carved in stone.
Some things to add and important - Oct. 7th first exam. The day before the exam we will review. The day before please come to class with a prepared question.
Nov. 9 - second quiz.
Take Lisa Peters off Blog list.
Brett Goldade, KT Ruff ;Sarah Burke, Thomas Wright, and Courtney Nesler also off the list.
Group # - 3 Thursday get together with your group. The presentation: The presence of myth in the contemporary world. There are 7 groups with 6 people.
Will reveiw Henderson the Rain King the week of Nov.16/18th.
There are 3 images associated with the process of The Rain King - a closed cirle - one with a split in the middle and then a broken circle.
First all is in harmony. Wonderful and peaceful
Then all is broken this is the middle.
Third is the return to the beginning - but it is broken or different. Very important pattern in mythology.
Today subject is creation.
Will look at Joseph Campbell interview with Bill Moyers.
Creation - wikipedia - is a symbolic narrative of a culture, tradition or people that describes their earliest beginnings, how the world they knew began and how they first came into it.
*****Thursday assignment - come in with a one minute myth. Find a creation myth online. Come up and tell us a story. No notes. By memory. Just one minute . Find a myth somewhere online there are thousands. Don't go with the most familiar.
The creation myth is extremely important to Eliade because it takes us back to our beginnings. This part and parcel of all mythology. Myths can be found in almost all religous traditions.
There are five basic types
1. Creation ex nihilo (out of nothing)- in which the creation is through the thought , work dearm or bodily secretion of a divine being.
2. Earth Driver- creation in which a diver,usually a bird or amphibian sent by a creator,plunges to the seabed through a promordial ocean to bring up sand or mud which develops into a terrestrial world.
3.Emergence myths - in which progenitors pass through a series of worlds and metamorphoses until reaching the present world.
4. Creation mythe by thedismemberment of a primoridal being.
5. Creation by the splitting or ordering of a primordial unity such as the cracking of a cosmic egg or a bringing into form from chaos. Humpty Dumpty. Just like the cirles. whole, then broken then put back together.
Google Marta Weigle furhter developes and refines this into 9 areas. google.
***Blog assignment - please blog about your very first memory.
Kaba Stone - 0 know what this is. It is the great stone of Islam.
Creation Stories:
4. Male God Speaks - 3. Division of female - 2. Female with consort often resembling a snake.1. A woman creates the world all by herself. ex nihilo.
go to i-greek mythology. or the from Primitives to Zen.
Snakes shed their skin. How do we go from snakes and women ruling to the opposite where both snakes and women are suborndiate to other.
Remeber the name Mnemosyne it means memory. She gave birth to the nine muses. Nine beautiful girls. Memory is the Mother of the muses. We call upon the muses for everything we need for creation, tests, etc.
Speak through me Muse.....
Read John Nays blog.
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