The the first exam is behind us. Ouch. I felt prepared, the first page was awesome, went downhill from there. Live and Learn. Moving on to middles...................................
Class Notes 10/12/10
Re- arranging the Syllubus a bit - running a bit behind. Paying particular attention today to two stories, Europa and Jove. The rape of Europa and the story at the beginning of book 6 - Arachne. This is the story that should be the basis of your group presentation. Showing how mythology is all around us.
We will each be assigned an Ovid story and have to do a one minute presentation next week some time.
Book 2 - pg 72 - Europa - Cadmus's sister. Granddaughter of Io. Look up the artwork the Spinners by Valazquez. Ekphrases to talk about one medium of an art along with another. The Spinners is a painting of the tahitan painting of the rape of Europa being created. She is the daughter of Agenor.
Arachne - pg 177 - Book 6. Corrins parents are Christine and Tom. Mentor is a mythological term out of Homer. Who does Ovid admire most in the Arachne story?
What does Minerva choose to weave intoherweb - she portrays the hill of Mars, a part of Cecrops citadel. The icon of an ancient contraoversy. in great detail, showing all the gods etc. including herself ending being crowned by victory. In summary the glory of the gods, in particular herself. at each corner she had a painted scene of contest. each being a pictured warning. Mandala.
Arachne scened displayed Europa fooled by the feigned image of a bull - she also draws Asterie gripped tightly by the eagle - she shows Leda who lies beneath the swans wings. And she adds those taled of Jove and all the times he duped others. Then she shoed all the times Neptune duped others to get his way. Then she goes on to show all the other disguises that the Gods use to dupe people and others. Minerva is furious becuase of the disrespect Arachne has shown making clear all of the wrongs of the gods. Arachne goes to hang herself but Minerva lets her live and ends up turning her into a spider.
Pick up The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony.
Presentation - what is the background. The rape of persophone. Europa was holding a shining Gold basket. Discover what story you are in. Figure out what story you are in.
I have to say that I'm with you on the test. Although I wasns't as prepared as you. We'll do better next time thought =) We should get together and study before the next test. Thanks for all you're great notes and thoughts!